
Space from the Striving

Personal Growth

Space from the Striving

(May 23, 2018) I'm feeling a shift inside of me. Where I was once vocal, I feel quiet. Where I was once active, I feel withdrawn. I feel myself going more within instead of looking out. I'm sitting with how I feel, asking myself what I think and the answers are coming. I'm done with the striving, and the overexertion of my nervous system. I can't keep up with everything and everybody if I'm going to do me. It feels somewhat isolating, yet right. I get random urges to reach out, to take more things on, to say yes when...

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Winter Reflections

Personal Growth

Winter Reflections

(Mar. 11, 2018) It's been a little while since I've written anything, my last post was on New Year's Eve mentioning how instead of making resolutions, I was headed into a season of "Deep Inner Rest." Instead of springing into action for the new year, I was craving restoration on many levels following the busyness of the holidays, and processing a move to Oregon that we didn't make. Now, of course with young children I'm not able to take many long winter's naps, but I have taken a lot of time to reflect on what I want to let go...

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The Pause

Personal Growth

The Pause

(Jul. 19, 2017) I'm feeling a pause right now. Early last week I announced that I would be releasing my recent paintings for purchase on my website, as both originals and prints. I set a self-imposed deadline to hold me accountable. The administrative side of running a business can be fulfilling at times, but right now it feels like a lot of decisions and a lot of torquing away on the computer getting everything right. It weighs on my perfectionist side, until it gets overwhelming and I think, "I just want something simple." I want a simple website where I...

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On Spiritual Surrender

Personal Growth

On Spiritual Surrender

(Jul. 7, 2017) I have been tossing something around and around in my mind for months trying to get clarity. You see, it is my dream to have a business from home, doing something that I love, that allows me to share my gifts and be a blessing to others, while providing the space I need to nurture my children. This has been my dream for many years, but has been my solid prayer since last summer, which I prayed for nightly in the months leading up to Isabelle's birth. I didn't know exactly what this business would be, where...

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Self-Care During Early Mommyhood


Self-Care During Early Mommyhood

(Jun. 22, 2017) It's pretty hard to write blog posts nowadays because I rarely have a quiet moment with both of my hands free. Our baby girl Isabelle is 8 months now, and I mostly hold her while she's sleeping. She'll sleep without me holding her (for about 15 minutes or so), but when I'm holding her, she'll sleep 2-3 hours. So basically, that's where we're at and I'm okay with it. I enjoy holding her, but I do miss writing and certain other things, so I thought I would write in small doses when I get a chance, just like...

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